RM-227 Phone Data Package EMEA v1.10 ======================================== Creation date: Mon Jun 11 08:54:20 2007 Important notes ----------------------------------------- *NOTE Please see the requirements below. **NOTE We recommend the removal of previous RM-227 data package Otherwise some old images are shown in SW update (for those that don't have new versions in this distribution) ***NOTE /!\Phoenix must be closed when installing this Data Package. Requirements ----------------------------------------- - Phoenix Internal Service Software A 2006.38.0.243 (or newer) - At least 40Mb of SRAM required in the FPS8-prommer! - Flash Update package Compined 06.38.038 (or newer) - FPS8 or FPS10 prommer or USB cable (DKU-2) for USB flashing Software version ----------------------------------------- 1.0633.62.05 Flashing information ---------------------------------------- InstallShield V2.8 has been used to build this Data Package. Common Setting files: - audiocontrol.ini - camera_control.ini - phoneinfo.ini - bluetooth.ini - rm-227_wlan.ini - rm_227_als.ini - vibracontrol.ini - Labels #0548816: Vodafone DE Flashing files: - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_c00_combined.bin - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_v213_variant.bin - rm227_1.0633.62.05.00_u213.bin Other files: - 03903202.pcx - RM-227_TypeLabel_001.xml Setting files: *Refurbish settings: - rm227_vodafone.xml *BackupRestore settings: *ProductConfiguration settings: - RM227.xml #0548814: Vodafone UK Flashing files: - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_c00_combined.bin - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_v215_variant.bin - rm227_1.0633.62.05.00_u215.bin Other files: - 03903202.pcx - RM-227_TypeLabel_001.xml Setting files: *Refurbish settings: - rm227_vodafone.xml *BackupRestore settings: *ProductConfiguration settings: - RM227.xml #0548812: Vodafone CZ Flashing files: - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_c00_combined.bin - rm227_m128_h20_ks_prod_106336205_v233_variant.bin - rm227_1.0633.62.05.00_u233.bin Other files: - 03903202.pcx - RM-227_TypeLabel_001.xml Setting files: *Refurbish settings: - rm227_vodafone.xml *BackupRestore settings: *ProductConfiguration settings: - RM227.xml