RM-346 Phone Data Package EURO v1.01 ======================================== Creation date: Thu Jul 17 14:16:16 2008 Important notes ----------------------------------------- **NOTE We recommend the removal of previous RM-346 data package Otherwise some old images are shown in SW update (for those that don't have new versions in this distribution) ***NOTE /!\Phoenix must be closed when installing this Data Package. Software version ----------------------------------------- 100.07.76 Flashing information ---------------------------------------- InstallShield 14.0 has been used to build this Data Package. Common Setting files: - bluetooth.ini - dcc_986_3MVGA_2008.05.30.01.fpl - dcc_986_3MVGA_2008.05.30.01.zip - camera_control.ini - Wlan.ini - adcreadings.ini - audiocontrol.ini - rm_346_als.ini Transceiver: 0569978: i.Tim E71 White Steel Images: - rm346_100.07.76_prd.c00 - rm346_100.07.76_prd.v218 - rm346_100.07.76_00.247U Other files: - rfconf_RM-346.xml - rm346.xml - hwconf_rm346.xml - wlan_gen2.xml - rm346_default_white.xml - 06632201.pcx - RM-346_TypeLabel_002.xml Transceiver: 0569803: Mit Einstellungen Images: - rm346_100.07.76_prd.c00 - rm346_100.07.76_prd.v231 - rm346_100.07.76.231U - E71_SW_040-063046_EuropeDACH_2G_1V0.fpsx Other files: - rfconf_RM-346.xml - rm346.xml - hwconf_rm346.xml - wlan_gen2.xml - rm346_default.xml - 056542v1.pcx - RM-346_TypeLabel_002.xml Transceiver: 0568895: i.Tim E71 Dark Steel Images: - rm346_100.07.76_prd.c00 - rm346_100.07.76_prd.v218 - rm346_100.07.76_00.218U Other files: - rfconf_RM-346.xml - rm346.xml - hwconf_rm346.xml - wlan_gen2.xml - rm346_default.xml - 05655601.pcx - RM-346_TypeLabel_002.xml